
Person-Centred Language Initiative

Person-Centred Language Initiative

Person-Centred Language ensures that language choices are appropriate, respectful, life-affirming and inclusive. What we say and how we say it matters, including what we write and how we write it.

My Personhood Summary

My Personhood Summary©

The My Personhood Summary© tool surfaces life experiences, important relationships, personal preferences, and other psychosocial and environmental factors that influence individuals’ daily lives.

Mon sommaire personnel

Mon sommaire personnel©

Couvre les expériences de vie d’une personne, ses relations importantes, ses préférences personnelles et d’autres facteurs psychosociaux et environnementaux qui influencent sa vie quotidienne.

My Transitional Care Plan© (MTCP)

My Transitional Care Plan© (MTCP)

Summarizes meaningful information that contributes to the facilitation of successful transitions across sectors for older adults with responsive behaviours.

Mon plan de soins de transition© en Français

Mon plan de soins de transition© en Français

Présente un résumé des renseignements importants pour faciliter la transition harmonieuse entre milieux de vie pour les personnes âgées présentant des expressions personnelles/comportements réactifs.

Assessment Tools

Assessment Tools: Supporting Comprehensive Behavioural Assessment and Evaluation

Tool options to support behavioural assessments, including evaluating the implementation of tailored approaches and strategies. A brief description of the tools are provided and how to access them.

Behavioural Supports Ontario – Dementia Observation System (BSO-DOS©)

Behavioural Supports Ontario – Dementia Observation System (BSO-DOS©)

The BSO-DOS© is a direct observation tool that provides objective and measurable data about a person living with dementia.

Care Partner

Individual and Family Care Partner Resources

This section includes resources such as the By Us For Us© Guides produced by the Murray Alzheimer Research and Education Program and the Alzheimer Society of Ontario’s First Link® referral program.

Social Connections

Social Connections

Social connectedness is associated with better health and wellbeing. Concepts of connectedness and strategies to address it have distinct considerations for people living in long-term care homes.

Sexual Expression and Dementia

Sexual Expression and Dementia

Unpacking stigma associated with older adults and sexuality while deepening knowledge and honing skills to help healthcare providers support people with dementia engage in healthy sexual relationships


Behavioural Support Transition Units (BSTU)

BSTUs provide specialized care to individuals with responsive behaviours/personal expressions that cannot be effectively supported in their current environment and other services have been explored.

Acute Care

Behavioural Supports in Acute Care

Promoting best and emerging practices in the provision of person- and family-centred behavioural supports within the hospital sector.

Substance Use

Substance Use

Promoting best and emerging practices in the provision of person- and family-centred behavioural supports as it relates to Substance Use.


Behavioural Supports Ontario - Indigenous Land Acknowledgement Guiding Framework

The purpose of this document is to provide guidance on the incorporation of land acknowledgements into knowledge and capacity-building events and meetings hosted by, or in collaboration with, BSO.

BSO Provincial Toolkit

BSO Provincial Toolkit

The BSO Toolkit is a collection of practical tools and resources for all BSO team members to utilize as they support older adults with, or at risk of, responsive behaviours/personal expressions.

COVID-19 Resources

COVID-19 Resources

These COVID-19 resources were collected in collaboration with brainXchange.

Additional Resources

Additional Resources

Knowledge Brokers at brainXchange have curated a Resource Centre containing thousands of links to resources, people and archived events.