To bring together health care professionals, leaders and individuals with lived experience in order to promote person and family-centred best practices related to Substance Use.


Cannabis and Older Adults: Know the Facts! – Resource for Older Adults

Cannabis and Older Adults: Know the Facts! – Resource for Older Adults

A resource that provides older adults and their family members with information about Cannabis.

Cannabis and Older Adults: Know the Facts! – Resource for Older Adults

Cannabis and Older Adults: Know the Facts! – Resource for Older Adults

For those wishing to distribute copies, we encourage you to use your printing vendor of choice with direction to print on 8x11inch non-glossy paper. Booklet style is the preferred print option.

Geriatric Addiction Educational Rounds

Geriatric Addiction Educational Rounds

Lunch N' Learn sessions on Geriatric Addictions take place on the second Tuesday of the month. They are broadcasted via OTN or Zoom platform. They are also recorded and archived for future access.

Archived Geriatric Addiction Educational Rounds

Archived Geriatric Addiction Educational Rounds

A resource that lists past events and gives instructions on how to access the archived educational sessions that took place from March 2020 to September 2024.

CCSMH Substance Use & Addictions Resources

CCSMH Substance Use & Addictions Resources

Resources for older adults and family care partners, including clinical guidelines on preventing the development of or assessing and treating individuals who have developed substance use disorders.

 Senior Alcohol Misuse Indicator (SAMI)

Senior Alcohol Misuse Indicator (SAMI)

A brief, senior-specific screening tool with questions that are designed to detect existing or potential alcohol problems / misuse in older adults.