Purpose: To engage people with lived experience in meaningful conversations and provide a virtual platform for people to connect through shared experiences.

What is lived experience?

In the context of BSO, lived experience refers to the experience of those living with dementia, complex mental health, substance use and/or other neurological conditions or the experience of being a care partner of an individual with these conditions.  Examples of care partners may include family members, friends, etc. who play or have played an active role in supporting an individual living with the above conditions.

Why join the BSO Lived Experience Advisory?

We believe that to improve services and create meaningful support, the voice of those using healthcare services must be heard.  Our objective is to host provincial advisory conversations which will help inform how services are designed, provided, and evaluated for people with dementia, complex mental health, substance use or other neurological conditions in Ontario.

Meeting information

The Behavioural Supports Ontario Lived Experience Advisory meets every two months through Zoom.These meetings are primarily focused on advancing the advisory’s projects and education opportunities.
Contact the Lived Experience Facilitator


Piloting the DementiAbility Workshop for Care Partners

Piloting the DementiAbility Workshop for Care Partners: Thinking Differently About Dementia (Tips and Tools for Care Partners)

This report describes the DementiAbility Workshop for Care Partners pilot and shares the results of its evaluation.

​Making Connections: Recommendations to Enhance the use of Personhood Tools to Improve Person-Center

Making Connections: Recommendations to Enhance the use of Personhood Tools to Improve Person-Centered Care Across Sectors

When providing person-and family-centred care, it is essential to gather and share information related to personhood, which highlights people’s own values, interests, preferences and histories.


Webinar - Making Connections: Recommendations to Enhance the use of Personhood Tools to Improve Person-Centered Care Across Sectors

Presenters: Sharon Osvald, Lived Experience Facilitator and Katelynn Viau, BSO Provincial Coordinating


Slides - Making Connections: Recommendations to Enhance the use of Personhood Tools to Improve Person-Centered Care Across Sectors

Presenters: Sharon Osvald, Lived Experience Facilitator and Katelynn Viau, BSO Provincial Coordinating