Who are we?

brainXchange unites and leads a vibrant network of people dedicated to exchanging knowledge and expertise that enhances the quality of life and support for persons living with dementia, as well as age-related mental health and neurological conditions.

What makes us unique?

We focus on the national and provincial sharing of resources and knowledge through in-person and virtual exchange to support relationships among industry, researchers, clinicians, policy makers, people with lived experience, and care partners. With a membership of over 12,500 that reaches across Canada and across sectors, we use our network to bring together the best and brightest to:
  • Support the learning needs of people wanting to change practice 
  • Facilitate quick and easy access to the best knowledge for continuous quality improvement
  • Stimulate, support and share innovations
  • Build and strengthen collaborative partnerships between stakeholders
  • Foster links between stakeholders to create new knowledge and understanding

Who are our members?

  • Researchers
  • Educators
  • Care partners (paid and non-paid)
  • Policy workers
  • People with lived experience 

How can you participate as a brainXchange member ?

brainXchange facilitates knowledge exchange through:
  • Communities of Practice: Groups of people who are committed to each other to offer support, share learning, and develop new knowledge in order to advance practice on a specific topic.
  • Knowledge Brokers: Supports the development and nurturing of Communities of Practice.  Facilitates knowledge and creates connections between people; provides access to resources and tools; and supports innovation and change.
  • Resource Centre: Contains thousands of links to resources, people and archived events. Our goal is to create the best collection of shared knowledge and resources on a topic.
  • Knowledge Dissemination Series: Topic specific webinars or interactive knowledge exchange events.
  • Forums: A place to ask questions, have discussions, share ideas and stories.
Membership does not require a commitment in terms of time or resources.  Each member decides how and when to use the available services to best compliment their daily practice. Join now