Connect with others who share similar interests and experiences -
Turn insights into action!

The following Collaboratives and Communities of Practice (?) are currently active or in development:


BSO Acute Care collaborative

The purpose of the Behavioural Supports Ontario (BSO) Acute Care collaborative is to bring together health care professionals, leaders and individuals with lived experience in order to promote and spread best/emerging practices in providing person and family-centred behavioural supports within acute care / hospitals.

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Behavioural Supports Integrated teams

  • Explain the critical framework that has been developed and why Behavioural Supports Ontario is evolving towards an amalgamated team model (internal and external teams) to support individuals and teams that work specifically with those who present with responsive behaviours so that people can be supported where they are, receive access to organizations/services throughout the community and facilitate transitions when required.
  • Identify the critical elements for experiencing successful transitions using the combined team approach across sectors and across providers; from the perspective of persons with lived experience and from the perspective of providers within the health care team.
Resources | Contact Knowledge Broker

Behavioural Support Transition Units

Learn about existing successes, challenges and person-centred approaches.
  • Gather input on significance of these practices (what themes emerge, what do they tell us about what matters?).
  • Develop critical elements for Behavioural Support and Transition Units (BTSU).
  • Share critical elements.
Resources | Contact Knowledge Broker 

Substance Use / Geriatric Addictions

  • Build on the work of the existing Community of Practice (CoP) for Geriatric Addictions to province-wide capacity.
  • Increase the understanding of Substance Use/ Geriatric Addictions among health care professionals (including front-line) and community care partners.
  • Identify best practice treatment and supports for older adults living with substance use disorders.
  • Build on successful regional strategies, models and products (e.g. pocket guides) for older adults living with a substance use disorders and their families using the framework pillars of BSO.
  • Discuss how we can build on and strengthen these ideas through the CoP on Geriatric Addictions to ensure a person and family-centred approach.
Resources | Contact Knowledge Broker

Communities of Practice (CoPs)

BSO Knowledge to Practice CoP

The Behavioural Supports Ontario (BSO) Knowledge to Practice Community of Practice (CoP) brings together professionals across Ontario who have a shared passion for capacity building and fostering knowledgeable healthcare teams. You are invited to join! Learn More


Design and Dementia

Approaching holistic design concerns through interdisciplinary/intersectoral discourse and tool development to enhance social and physical environments.

Resources  |  Contact CoP Members 

If you are interested in any of these topic-specific Collaboratives or CoPs, please contact the Knowledge Broker.

*A Community of Practice (CoP) is a community or group of people who have made a commitment to be available to each other, offer support to share learning, and to consciously develop new knowledge (Wheatley, 2007). A CoP makes the intentional commitment to advance the field of practice and to share those discoveries with anyone engaged in similar work (Wheatley, 2007)