The Behavioural Supports Ontario (BSO) Knowledge to Practice CoP unites educators, clinicians and other professionals who share a commitment to building capacity and fostering knowledgeable teams caring for the BSO population (i.e., older adults older adults with, or at risk of, responsive behaviours/personal expressions associated with dementia, complex mental health, substance use and/or other neurological conditions). Guided by the 'Knowledge to Practice Process Framework' (Ryan, et al., 2013) and driven by shared passion, the CoP explores, shares and creates knowledge to practice innovations to build skilled, confident and compassionate teams.  


Membership is open, but not limited to the following individuals:
  • Educators (e.g. Psychogeriatric Resource Consultants [PRCs] and other BSO aligned educators)
  • BSO clinicians and other healthcare team members
  • Persons with lived experience
  • Researchers/Team members within a learning and research centre
  • Administrator/Managers
  • Students

Meeting Dates and Times:

The BSO Knowledge to Practice CoP meets virtually from 9:00 -10:00 am EDT/EST on the 3rd Thursday on the following months: Jan/April/June/Sept/Nov.

New Member Sign Up:

We welcome new members!

If you are interested in joining, please click the button below and fill out the sign up form.
  Sign Up
