An education/ training decision making tool and program inventory must have, for anyone interested in providing safe, quality patient-centered care for older adults with responsive behaviours/personal expressions.

The Behavioural Education and Training Supports Inventory (BETSI) (v 2.0; March 2019) is a tool to support decision making related to team member education/training in building capacity to care for older adults presenting with or at risk of responsive behaviours/personal expressions. The BETSI can be used to support planning during the influx of new hiring and also to adapt to changing learning needs as capacity is built within teams over time. The main focus of the BETSI is on its recommendations of formal education opportunities.
The BETSI can assist users in the determination of:
  1. Education needs for team members working across sectors with the BSO target population;
  2. Educational opportunities available and recommended across Ontario; and
  3. Program alignment with the BSO target population and BSO Core Competencies.



Behavioural Education and Training Supports Inventory

Behavioural Education and Training Supports Inventory

The BETSI can be used to support planning during the influx of new hiring and also to adapt to changing learning needs as capacity is built within teams over time.

Updating the Behavioural Education and Training Supports Inventory

Updating the Behavioural Education and Training Supports Inventory - Recording

Presenters: Katelynn Viau, Behavioural Supports Ontario Provincial Coordinating Office & Maureen O’Connell, Psychogeriatric Resource Consultant


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