Survey on Dementia-Inclusive Home and Community Care
We invite you to take part in a survey and/or interview, conducted on behalf of the CSA Group, as part of a research project on dementia-inclusive home and community care
It is anticipated that the survey should take approximately 15-20 minutes, while the interview should take approximately 30 minutes. Interviews may be conducted virtually or by telephone. You are invited to participate in either one or both. The survey/interviews are available in English or French.
The survey and interview are open to persons living with dementia, essential caregivers, and home and community care providers.
To access the survey in English, click here. To access the survey in French, click here.
Survey closes on August 25, 2022.
By participating, you may choose to enter a draw to
win one of three $75 gift cards to an online retailer of your choice.
If you have any questions, would like to participate in an interview, require assistance to complete your survey, or if you would like a hard copy version of the survey, please contact Jeanette Prorok
(Email: Telephone: 613-449-7133).