Event Date: Feb 07, 2018
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For people with dementia, receiving a diagnosis is just the first step to accessing the health system. As their needs increase, they will often need care in other settings, compelling a transition or move. While some of these transitions are required, people with dementia may experience unwanted or unnecessary transitions that can be traumatic and pose serious challenges to continuity of care and patient safety.
In this webinar Dr. Sivananthan will share ‘big data’ for an entire population to understand what some of these transitions look like long term, and whether receiving good dementia and primary care has an influence on the number of moves experienced. Dr. Sivananthan also lived as a resident in two long-term care homes to complement her research in the “lived experience”. This webinar will be a unique opportunity to hear about her work through two different lenses – both academic and lived experience - and how they influenced each other and health system policy at the national and global level.
This integrated KTE webinar event is brought to you by brainXchange in partnership with the Alzheimer Society of Canada and the Canadian Consortium of Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA).