Welcome to the brainXchange Collaboration Space Login and Registration page!


Your user name is the full email address you used to create your account.


Collaboration Space Sign-up 

Please register using the registration form.

Access to the Collaboration Space is by invitation only. It is a work space for brainXchange for collaborative work groups. If you belong to one of these groups or you've received an invitation from a brainXchange team member to join, please fill-out the registration form indicating which group(s) you belong to.

If you are already signed up to use the collaboration space, login now. If you have forgotten your existing username and/or password, use the "forgot password?" link located below the login form.  Have any question? Contact us.

By registering for the collaboration space, you acknowledge and accept the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy for this site and consent to receiving email communication from the brainXchange.

Registration Form



Let us know which collaboration group(s) you belong to*:                

 Security code