Our Approach

Lived Experience Network South East Ontario is a cooperative effort Alzheimer Societies of South East Ontario in collaboration with Providence Care Community Seniors Mental Health Behavioural Support Services. Under their leadership, Lived Experience Facilitator, Sharon Osvald will conduct online (Zoom), one on one, phone and email Advisory conversations, gathering input and suggestions for change in hopes of enhancing supports and services across the region.

Questions about new and ongoing supports, services and projects will be brought forth to the Lived Experience Network South East Ontario by Providence Care Community Seniors Mental Health Behavioural Support Services, The Alzheimer Societies of South East Ontario and other healthcare professionals providing services in the community, hospitals, long term care and primary care. Summaries are written of these conversations and findings will be shared back to the group bringing forth the question, as well as to Lived Experience Network members.

Our Lived Experience Facilitator is often invited to take part in regional and provincial online meetings and/or working groups taking part in discussions about the planning and evaluation of new or ongoing projects, care and support services. From time to time, Lived Experience Network South East Ontario members are invited to take part in a working group or speak, sharing their lived experience inputs at conferences, working groups or workshops within their local region.

Our Work Plan

All of the work of the Lived Experience Network South East Ontario is built upon the following three pillars.
  • Pillar One: Growing the Lived Experience Network
  • Pillar Two: Awareness and Knowledge Exchange
  • Pillar Three: Lived Experience Voice within the System

Our Vision Statement

Lived Experience Network South East Ontario exists to engage those with lived experience and to hear their voices to:
  1. To inform change, therefore improving the quality of health care and the experience for persons living with dementia or similar diagnoses and their family/friend care partners in South East Ontario.
  2. To facilitate ongoing, active and meaningful participation of persons with lived experience of the South East Ontario.
  3. To develop an ongoing knowledge bank for persons living with dementia or similar diagnoses and their family/friend care partners in South East Ontario.
  4. To provide lived experience feedback to enhance the development of the South East Ontario Behavioural Support Initiative in the planning, design, implementation and evaluation of services and supports of older adults and their families/ care partners across the health care continuum.
  5. To build an ongoing and sustainable communication bridge between those with lived experience and those developing, providing and evaluating services for older adults across the health care continuum. 

Our Goal

Exchanging Knowledge, Partnering for Change.