Event Date: Feb 28, 2017

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One of the key challenges those in residential senior living face is the presumption of absent, rather than diminished, abilities. Residents may become accustomed to being on the receiving end of services even though strong leadership abilities exist among them. Join us for part 2 of a webinar series on how to engage residents, volunteers, family and staff in building communities of purposeful living through fostering a culture of resident engagement and peer support. In this webinar, you will have an opportunity to evaluate a mixed-methods study conducted to explore the outcomes of an innovative peer mentoring program in 10 continuing-care settings in Ontario. The webinar will offer a takeaway strategy to implementing peer mentoring within an organization that encourages residents to seek out and support their lonely isolated peers.

This integrated KTE webinar event is brought to you by brainXchange in partnership with the Alzheimer Society of Canada and the Canadian Consortium of Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA)


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Kristine Theurer


Kristine is a researcher and has worked in the long term care sector with those living with dementia for over 20 years. She has pioneered the use of standardized peer support groups within senior living. Kristine is a published author of a number of research articles, the most recent of which The Need for a Social Revolution in Residential Care in the Journal of Aging Studies. She is a PhD candidate at the University of British Columbia and recipient of numerous research awards including the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada doctoral grant and the University of British Columbia Public Scholars Initiative. 

Susan Brown, M.Sc. (University of Waterloo), Director of Research Coordination and Research-Practice Integration, Schlegel-UW Research Institute for Aging:


Susan is the Research Coordinator at the Schlegel-University of Waterloo Research Institute for Aging (RIA). She has a Bachelor’s degree in Kinesiology (Neurobehavioural Assessment), and completed a Master’s degree in Kinesiology (Psychomotor Behaviour), both from the University of Waterloo. As Research Coordinator, she oversees the implementation of RIA’s research projects and facilitates knowledge translation and dissemination of results to older adults, front-line staff, community groups and academics. Susan is especially interested in developing programs and services that are informed by research and that meet the needs of all stakeholder groups. Most importantly, she is passionate about using those same programs and services as vehicles to improve quality of life for older adults.

Pat Bell,  Resident of The Village of Aspen Lake, Windsor ON


Pat is a Java Mentor with the Java Mentorship Program at The Village of Aspen Lake where she has lived for the past 5 years.  Before retiring, Pat worked as a nurse for many years in a Children's Hospital and later in a pediatrician's office and was an active member of her church, teaching Sunday School & Brownies.  In addition to her current work with the Java Mentorship program, Pat is a member of the Palliative & Pain Committee.  She enjoys participating in ceramics, bingo and helping in the Greenhouse.